CLASS of 62
We were able to hear "Solid Gold" again last night--they are great! They wanted me to remind everyone that can appreciate the music from the '50's and '60's to be there. They want a good crowd and folks that will dance! They won't have any trouble from me!
Another little bit of trivia--the first gig that "Solid Gold" had was the Forrest City Country Club, in 1975!!
Hope to see all my blog buddies there! Love ya, Bogie
May, 1962 Senior Day
Well, it has happened again! There I was, sitting peacably in the Emissary room, when Mrs. Barry up and assigns me to write about Senior Day at Bear Creek Lake, which has to go in the "Senior Edition" of the Emissary.
I was never one to get all excited about writing an article and I usually waited until the last day before the Emissary was to be out before I would get my article in. But that was a little different. We had such a grand time, that I just wanted to tell you people all about it.
To start off with, the sun (bless its heart) was shining brightly, which made it a perfect day for Bear Creek Lake --perfect for blistering, that is.
We started off bright and early in shorts, bathing suits, etc. Upon our arrival at Bear Creek, there was a mad scramble as we all scurried over to the boat house to rent boats. Mr. Bratton, calm as he is, got out of the way one second too late, as he was trampled in the stampede.
After the boats were rented, we really started having fun! Most everyone was out in a boat and the ones that weren't were sunning themselves on the boat deck or exploring the surrounding woodlands. You should have seen Mr. Henley rowing Mrs. Henley around the lake at full speed.
All the motor boats had to run for their lives! Linda Kyle and Barbara Myers tried to teach Mr. Bratton how to twist while M.L. Cowan tried to teach himself how to swim. I understand Agnes Hubert rode Linda Williford and Mary Frances Lindauer "piggy-back" all day.
When it came time to eat, it was worse than "rush hour at the Korner Kream" as you can imagine! We were all about to drop from hunger! Man, the food certainly was good-fried chicken, sandwiches, chips, pickles, drinks (soft), and all the trimmings.
We were all having a marvelous time when the call came for us to go home. After a lot of groaning and moaning and "don't touch the back of my shoulders", we finally got loaded and were on our way home. Amid the roar of the "big city life" of Marianna, the faint sound of a siren was heard. We had a police excort!
All in all, we had a wonderful time that we will remember always and if we had it to do over again, we would have done the same thing.
(writer unknown)
The Emissary staff:
Editor.....................................................Agnes Hubert
Layout Editor..........................................Retha Ellis
Business Manager..................................Kaye Leftwich
Circulation Manager................................Gene Woods
Sponsor.................................................Mrs. David Barry
Typists...................................................Nita Davidson and
Van Gore
Reporters................................................Jessica Shelby, Don
Gattinger, Shirley
Spencer, Reece France,
Betty Bridgforth, Lee
Ora Chapman, Larry
McNair, Karen Cecil,
and Constance Gilbert.
Stay tuned for more installments from the 1962 Emissary Senior Edition. Bogie
Thanks and I love you guys!

Bogie: Anyone know "legs"?
Sula: Girl, you haven't changed a bit!
And I haven't even met you in person yet!

Bogie with some classmates at a recent reunion--Jerry Patterson and Collie Walker. Jerry missed all reunions up to the 35th year due to his commitments to the US Armed Forces. We finally got him to one and he vowed never to miss another! Collie hasen't missed a reunion--thanks to him and his lovely wife, we enjoy breakfast each and every reunion at their home on Forrest Street. Collie, along with classmate, David Hamby play a vital role in the program every year--both have given their all to make sure we have a great time and wonderful program--they share the Emcee roles! But just try to get them to shut up!! HA! Bogie
Senior Day was a picnic and swim party at Bear Creek Lake--Cathy, myself, and Dot Laws got so sunburned by the sun and the ride home in Wirski's convertable that we couldn't get undressed for 3 days! You can imagine us trying to pee!!
A street dance honoring the seniors by the parents was held in front of our home on Fussell. The entire block between Washington and Izard Streets was blocked off by the police and we had our entire front and side yards full of grads, parents and guests. Dancing to the juke box, food and cold drinks along with the fortune teller made a great party.
One other great party held our junior year was our "Sadie Hawkins" dance. This one the girls ask the boys! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!! Finally, I'll have a date! Thank you Danny Clark! Cathy was with Eddie Anderson, Mary Lynn Green with David Danehower,Diane Clark with Rusty Lindsey, and I have a photo with Cathy Rosica, Paul Parker and Peggy Pipkins.
There were coke parties, brunches, lunches, afternoon teas, (we wore heels and hose to those affairs) and I remember a coke party given for Dot Laws by Diane Clark. We were going to lose Dot, she was moving, so a bunch of us girls got together and gave her a"going away". Goodness!! We had so many great times--wish they had not ended! But as you all know, we still look for a reason to have a party!
Bogie Class of 62:

Weren't we the great rock 'n rollers!


We lost Neel a couple of years ago--he is greatly missed--one of the sweetest guys ever!
Notice how Gylinda's rose still has its leaves and mine dosen't--I must have really been nervous!
Under Butch: Terry Hutcherson, class of '59 munching on his fritos!
In the collage:
(Lower Middle) Joyce Gray and Dot Laws (both Class of 62)
Next to Butch is Gylinda hanging on the phone pole, under Gylinda and the pole, is Gylinda and Bogie eating hugh apples, and over to the left, we carve our initials in a tree at Bear Creek at a FBC GA camp. Ah! Those were the days!! Bogie
Hi Folks!
The FCHS Class of '62 will convene again next year for our 45th year class reunion! Needless to say the class of '62 has set the presidence for class reunions over the years! We have not only celebrated each 5th year since the 20th, we celebrated our 50th birthday in '94, the Millennium in 2000, and our 60th birthday in '04!! (Pictures below).
Now that all of you know how old we are, let me remind you of how young we are! If you were ever a kid or young person in the '50's you will never grow old. You may grow up or mature, but you will never grow old. You had at your disposal some of the greatest movies, music, t.v., cars, drive-ins (both for eating and movies), parents, neighborhoods and role-models ever in the twentieth century! Those 10 years were undoubtly the best to be a kid! Our folks didn't have to worry about the t.v. we were watching or movies we saw at the Imperial. We would walk to town every day after school and get a soda at the Broadway Drug Store and continue on to the library to check books out for the next book report. We always had our transistor radio at our ear to listen to the latest from WHBQ!
There are so many great memories we can share with everyone about those days and the Class of '62 will be glad to share them with you. We are in the process of recording our memories in scrapbooks to be presented to the St Francis County Museum on the occasion of our 50th year reunion in 2012! Stay tuned for more installments!
See ya,
Paulette Bogart Fancher
Class of '62
Greenwood, Mississippi
The birthday party was a huge success--largely due to the efforts of these classmates--Nita Davidson, Barbara Myers, Janet Montgomery, Mary Ann Taylor, and Cathy Rosica. Not pictured, Larry Kelly and Faye Carroll Wilson (Mr and Mrs) attended but couldn't stay long. You guys don't look 60!! Bogie
From Bogie...The class of '62 celebrated their 60th birthday with a great day in FC by touring the new school and eating, drinking, and catching up at Oscar's in October of '04. These are some of the photos from the events. We should be easy to identify--we haven't changed!! The guys thought they would try their hand at a little "YMCA"!
The girls put on a great show of "Stop In the Name of Love" and Bratcher tried his hand at a few Elvis tunes!!

The tour of the new school was great! We were all very impressed with all the changes and the way they were able to preserve some of the old school made it that much more fun for us. The gym and auditorium brought back a lot of memories! Lunches in the gym and senior home room in the auditorium. Whew--it just can't be that long ago!!
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