Butch Made Me Do It!

That's (R-L) Jan, Dora, Annette and Sula at the Great Class of 67-68 Reunion in July 2007.
I can't believe it has been 18 months since my last post! I moved into a fixer upper in August of 2007 and I broke my right wrist into a million pieces in Jan 2008 and had an implant-- but all has healed well now. I have a lot of catching up to do on Peach Fuzz...
Butch Ford keeps writing and urging me to get the blog going again...but he tells me he is so sick of seeing Reggie grabbing at Rosie that he is about to totally give up on me. (By the way Rosie, Butch said Chee Chee's little sis grew up lookin' good, very good)...So little by little I hope to get things going again. The email account for the blog lost all the addresses of people who sent them in...so please send me your email and all others you can think of so I can build up the list again. Butch I hope you are not the only one who wants to see the Blog going again...I do need a group hug! Here's the new email address to send in your Blog comments and entries. If you sent me something before and it never appeared -- please forgive me and send it again:
-- the Peach Fuzz Blogger
Yes, I said it. I sure did. Rosemary looks good. She was a cute little preadolescent waif running around when I dated Chee Chee. Big sister is still one of the most beautiful girls I ever knew. I haven't seen her since about 1968. I was in Washington DC for a conference and I took a chance and called Ruth Hargraves. Chee Chee answered and we got together at her office next day. Our little Chee Chee was working for Senator William Fulbright. I was impressed. We had lunch in the Senate dining room. I was IMPRESSED. I haven't seen Chee Chee since then. I wonder about her often.
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