Cars & Roads: Early 20th Century

If you get your glasses out and look real close, you'll see that this is an auto from the '20's for the Forrest City Fire Dept. Asst. Chief. The lady in the photo is a mystery. I dug this out of some old photos that my uncle, Nall Bogart, had and that I fell heir to. She may be a friend of his--maybe someone out there knows her?
Bogie 8/8/06

Bogie: This is a great car--don't you think? Behind the wheel is my grand- dad, Dr. J. A. Bogart, Dr. P.P. Bogan to his left, David Webb behind Dr. Bogart, and my dad, Forrest Bogart behind Dr. Bogan. When my dad was 19, he took a trip out west in this auto. He never told me of his adventures on that trip--just that it was about the most fun he had ever had! My dad was pretty much a rounder in those days--so I never pressed him for details! He told me of one big goof he made--it was the spring of 1920 and my dad was about ready to graduate from FCHS when he was showing off in his auto in front of the school (the school we called the grammar school) and hit one of his teachers. He was suspended for a couple of weeks and just barely was able to graduate! Maybe that's where I get my adventuresome spirit! HA!
Anyone remember our highways when they weren't paved? This photo, according to my dad, Forrest Bogart, was taken in the early 20's on 70 somewhere between FC and West Memphis.

Looking at the Bighouse brought back some memories! I can remember seeing Linda McAuley for the first time. I was riding my bike and saw this beautiful little girl standing on the side of the yard. I stopped and talked to her. This must have been when Sula and family first moved to Forrest City from Little Rock. I always loved that house and almost cried when it was torn down. It gave such class to Forrest City! Dora
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