Peach Queens

Bogie '62 (Feb 07) Here are two more Peach Queens and Kings. Top photo is Claudina and John Durrett, close friends of my mom and dad in the '70's and '80's. Lower photo is Charlene and "Bo" Crutchfield. Charlene was my dad's first cousin, as her mom, Nona Johnson, and my granddad, Dr. J.A. Bogart were brother and sister. Both of these photos were taken at my mom and dad's apartment, at the Walker apartments, on Washington St. Both couples are deceased now, along with my mom and dad. But they all enjoyed each other's company so much--coffee never had it so good! Charlene and "Bo" lived in northern Tennessee but came "home" often to see their old friends and relatives, while the Durretts lived in the same apartment building with mom and dad. Those apartments would "buzz" most of the time with folks in their "golden" years sitting around the dining table solving all the world's problems! Especially on a Saturday morning, Forrest and Pauline, John and Claudina, Bob and Nell, and Bea and Stinnett kept the coffee hot and didn't break up the party until it was all gone! My husband, Don, our two girls, Paula and Candy, and I would visit on weekends and that Saturday morning had to be the highlight of the trip! They were filled with history, especially my dad, and, naturally everything they did in their day was the only way to do it in our day--I only wish he were still here to share all the memories he had of FC--after all, he was part of this community from 1906 until his death in 1986 at the age of 87. We did live in LR when I was a little kid, but J.A and Nellie along with Nall and his family were still here--and that made us very much a part of this city!

Mildred Williams
center: Edith Clanton
bottom: Alice Harrison
May, 1994

Bottom: Euginia White--this lady was my grandmother's nurse in the '50's and came to our house on Fussell St. to give Mamaw a shot whenever needed. When you think about it, this would be out of the question for today's medical professionals.

Top: Anna Mae Rice
Bottom: Mildred and Jim Williams (a Peach King)
May, 1993

top: Nell Taylor, Werdna Tyson and Pauline Bogart.
center: Flora Walker and Nell Taylor
bottom: Pauline Bogart and Donna Devazier.
May, 1993. Bogie
BelowStanding: Pauline Bogart and Thelma Gray, seated: Norma Hodges.
August 21, 1981. A little "coffee clatch". Some of the worlds most immediate problems have been solved once again by ladies around the kitchen table drinking coffee!

Bogie: This lovely lady (right) was a friend of the Dr. Bogart family. Anyone recognize Miss Vergie Moore--later known as Mrs. Jack Porter? (This is written on the back of the photo recovered from one of those perverbial "photo boxes" with no history attached.) She was really a beauty. Comment 8/10/06: I think I goofed! The photo of Virgie Moore should read Vergie Porter later to become Mrs. Jack Moore! Oh Well! The notation on the back of the photo is incorrect--I knew it couldn't have been Me! Ha!
Left: Another lovely lady--Ms Allie Bea Proctor, a receptionist at the Bogart Clinic in the '30s. The photo was taken by "Alley" of Forrest City. I don't remember this photographer, but I've seen a lot of photos done by them.
Lin: In one of Bogie's posts, she mentions Virgie Porter and ponders whether or not she is really Mrs. Jack Moore. Well, Virgie Porter was the mother of Virgie Abel and grandmother to Donna, Rosamond and Jimmie Abel. Virginia Moore was a Price from Little Rock.
Rosamond Abel Crawley: The photo in question about Virgie Moore Porter will now be solved! Since she was my grandmother, I'll tell you the real story. She was born in Forrest City, Arkansas to Frances Louise Williams and John William Moore. Thus she was a MOORE from Forrest City. She married John Rosamond Porter (Jack) who was born in West Helena, Arkansas. She was the mother of Virgimai (Mrs. James H. Abel), RoseMarie (Mrs. Bill Lofton), Frances (Mrs. Milard Chism), and Helen (Mrs. Bob Teeter). Virgimai and Frances raised their families in Forrest City. Their children are Donna, Rosamond, and Jimmy Abel and Larry, Harry, and Pat Chism.
Bogie Class of 62: Thank you so much for the info on Virgie's photo!! It seems the info on the back of the photo is correct after all! This photo is signed "Ole Pal", "Dutter", by her--I seem to remember my mom, Pauline Bogart, telling me that "Dutter" is a pet name for my uncle, Nall Bogart. Would like to know for sure.
I was just a small child, around 4 or 5 years of age when, while visiting my grandmother, Nellie Bogart, in the old home on Fussell St., Nall was home ill--he had a heart condition that took his life at a very young age. I had asked my grandmother for a coke and she was getting one for me from her "ice-box" when Nall came up behind me and scared me to death! He had on house shoes and made no noise. He told me at that time that "If your grandmother had wanted you to have a coke, she would have asked you!" Needless to say, for a kid my age at that time, I was scared of my uncle Nall until his death and have never gotten over that remark. Everyone in the family told me that it was due to his illness that made him seem so mad and sad all the time.
I think that the whole city loved my grandparents and Nall also. He was a doctor and practiced with my grandfather in the clinic on Izard St. in the '30's. He then went into the Army and served as a medic in WWII until his heart attack during the Burma Campaign. I'm not sure but I don't think he was able to practice after the war.
Butch Ford Class of 60: On this past October 6, I attended the wedding of my niece, Ashley Chism, daughter of my sister, Maribeth and Harry Chism, in Gatlinburg. It was kind of unique in my experience as it was conducted at a chapel on a mountaintop. I say "kind of unique" because Ashley's little sister, Brooke, got married a couple of years ago at a chapel on Mt. Petit Jean. These girls love the mountains. They DO make great locations for the wedding party and guests. We (Linda and I) shared a great cabin with my brother, Charles, and his wife, Ann (Heustess). Ann and Charles are both graduates of FCHS, class of 1957. Great fun was had by all, especially the "party" after the wedding at Maribeth and Harry's cabin. Food and refreshments were plentiful and good. It was at this party that I met (again) Harry's mother, Frances, for the first time since Maribeth and Harry got married years ago. We talked about the photo in the blog and the confusion as to the name and lineage of the lady in the photo. Mrs. Chism is a fine and gracious lady. It was such a pleasure to talk with her. Also, I must admit that when I first read the blog comment from Rosamond Abel Crawley about the lady in question, I thought she had left a typo in her text - I thought Virgimai must have been Virginia. Then as I read the rest of it, I saw it again. Maybe once, but not twice. Then I remembered the pronunciation. It was the lady I always thought was Virgie May. I don't remember ever seeing Virgimai's name in print. Back when I went to First Baptist, before 1963 - when I got married, it was James Henry and Virgie May Able. I remember both of them and Donna clearly. I remember Rosamond, too. I think she and Maribeth were the same age. I think they took dancing lessons at the same time. I guess one never gets too old to learn stuff. This blog is one of the most "funnest" things I have done in a while. That's ONE of the most.
I was just a small child, around 4 or 5 years of age when, while visiting my grandmother, Nellie Bogart, in the old home on Fussell St., Nall was home ill--he had a heart condition that took his life at a very young age. I had asked my grandmother for a coke and she was getting one for me from her "ice-box" when Nall came up behind me and scared me to death! He had on house shoes and made no noise. He told me at that time that "If your grandmother had wanted you to have a coke, she would have asked you!" Needless to say, for a kid my age at that time, I was scared of my uncle Nall until his death and have never gotten over that remark. Everyone in the family told me that it was due to his illness that made him seem so mad and sad all the time.
I think that the whole city loved my grandparents and Nall also. He was a doctor and practiced with my grandfather in the clinic on Izard St. in the '30's. He then went into the Army and served as a medic in WWII until his heart attack during the Burma Campaign. I'm not sure but I don't think he was able to practice after the war.
Butch Ford Class of 60: On this past October 6, I attended the wedding of my niece, Ashley Chism, daughter of my sister, Maribeth and Harry Chism, in Gatlinburg. It was kind of unique in my experience as it was conducted at a chapel on a mountaintop. I say "kind of unique" because Ashley's little sister, Brooke, got married a couple of years ago at a chapel on Mt. Petit Jean. These girls love the mountains. They DO make great locations for the wedding party and guests. We (Linda and I) shared a great cabin with my brother, Charles, and his wife, Ann (Heustess). Ann and Charles are both graduates of FCHS, class of 1957. Great fun was had by all, especially the "party" after the wedding at Maribeth and Harry's cabin. Food and refreshments were plentiful and good. It was at this party that I met (again) Harry's mother, Frances, for the first time since Maribeth and Harry got married years ago. We talked about the photo in the blog and the confusion as to the name and lineage of the lady in the photo. Mrs. Chism is a fine and gracious lady. It was such a pleasure to talk with her. Also, I must admit that when I first read the blog comment from Rosamond Abel Crawley about the lady in question, I thought she had left a typo in her text - I thought Virgimai must have been Virginia. Then as I read the rest of it, I saw it again. Maybe once, but not twice. Then I remembered the pronunciation. It was the lady I always thought was Virgie May. I don't remember ever seeing Virgimai's name in print. Back when I went to First Baptist, before 1963 - when I got married, it was James Henry and Virgie May Able. I remember both of them and Donna clearly. I remember Rosamond, too. I think she and Maribeth were the same age. I think they took dancing lessons at the same time. I guess one never gets too old to learn stuff. This blog is one of the most "funnest" things I have done in a while. That's ONE of the most.
On this past October 6, I attended the wedding of my niece, Ashley Chism, daughter of my sister, Maribeth and Harry Chism, in Gatlinburg. It was kind of unique in my experience as it was conducted at a chapel on a mountaintop. I say "kind of unique" because Ashley's little sister, Brooke, got married a couple of years ago at a chapel on Mt. Petit Jean. These girls love the mountains. They DO make great locations for the wedding party and guests. We (Linda and I) shared a great cabin with my brother, Charles, and his wife, Ann (Heustess). Ann and Charles are both graduates of FCHS, class of 1957. Great fun was had by all, especially the "party" after the wedding at Maribeth and Harry's cabin. Food and refreshments were plentiful and good. It was at this party that I met (again) Harry's mother, Frances, for the first time since Maribeth and Harry got married years ago. We talked about the photo in the blog and the confusion as to the name and lineage of the lady in the photo. Mrs. Chism is a fine and gracious lady. It was such a pleasure to talk with her.
Also, I must admit that when I first read the blog comment from Rosamond Abel Crawley about the lady in question, I thought she had left a typo in her text - I thought Virgimai must have been Virginia. Then as I read the rest of it, I saw it again. Maybe once, but not twice. Then I remembered the pronunciation. It was the lady I always thought was Virgie May. I don't remember ever seeing Virgimai's name in print. Back when I went to First Baptist, before 1963 - when I got married, it was James Henry and Virgie May Able. I remember both of them and Donna clearly. I remember Rosamond, too. I think she and Maribeth were the same age. I think they took dancing lessons at the same time. I guess one never gets too old to learn stuff. This blog is one of the most "funnest" things I have done in a while. That's ONE of the most.
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