True Confessions
Recognizing that confession can cleanse the soul, Peach Fuzz offers a forum for those seeking pardon for childhood offenses. Although we cannot offer divine forgiveness, we believe that fessing up, spiced with a dash of wisdom-with-age makes for good humble pie. You can rank the severity by sending us the Offense # and from 1-5 rotten peaches. (Oh one more thing... play nice. Don't confess for anyone else).
1. I was so ashamed that I was a part of this so many years ago... There was a very nice preacher that made a talk for about 15 or 20 minutes... seein' as tho we had no teacher with us that day in the bleachers, Mr. McClure's homeroom class ...disrupted the whole program by moving about in the bleachers, pea-shooting wads of paper, laughing and talking.

4. Back in the summer between 9th and 10th grade, I went to Baptist Church Camp at Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Danny Gestring and I got a ride back from camp as far as Wynne with some girls from there. A couple of weeks later, we heard that those same girls were at the Methodist Church Camp on Bear Creek Lake. Apparently, these girls really liked church camps.
You know we had to get down to Bear Creek before the weekend. Neither one of us could get a car, but I did have access to my Dad's delivery truck for a little local running around. This truck had a cover on the back to protect the groceries we delivered to our customers. "Ford's Food Center" was boldly printed on both sides. On Thursday afternoon (do you remember when most stores closed in FC on Thursday afternoons in the Summer?), we took the top off to protect our anonymity, left it in Danny's side yard, and lit out for Marianna and the promised land.
In a rented a boat and motor, we found the camp across the lake and went ashore trying to act like we belonged. There were Methodists everywhere, mostly of the female persuasion, and all wore the same camp T-shirt. Well, of course Butch and Dan the Baptists stood out Baptists at a Methodist Church Camp. We started asking anyone within reach about the two girls from Wynne. Before we made contact, a "grownup" escorted us back to our boat and watched closely as we motored out of sight. Did we do good, or what?
When we got back to the truck, it wouldn't start. I cranked it till the battery died. No luck. Now, I'm beginning to fear for my future. A man parked next to us offered us a PULL back to Mariana. Do you remember that the road out to Bear Creek was gravel? In midsummer it was really dusty, too. When we got back to Marianna, the man dropped us at the service station on the corner. The cab of the truck had about two inches of dust inside, about four inches in the bed and maybe an inch or two on Danny and me. There we were, stuck in Marianna with a truck that wouldn't run, nasty as coal miners, and it was getting dark. That was bad enough, except, did I mention that my Dad didn't know I had taken his truck out of town?
My prospects in life were dwindling rapidly. Then, suddenly, out of the darkness came my hero. Well, actually it was Tommy Devazier and Buddy Shoemake in Devazier's little Chevy coup with the extra loud mufflers. Not exactly two guys who were on my hero list at the time, but they were from Forrest City and they agreed to pull me and my lame truck back to FC for $10. We had an old and badly frayed rope in the truck. It broke four times and got shorter each time a new knot was tied. Most of the trip was made with about two feet between our bumpers.
He dropped the truck and the two "nasty boys" at City's Service Station around midnight. I called my brother, Charles, who came to pick us up. Overnight, the guys at the service station literally hosed out the interior of the truck and cleaned out all the dust. They found the loose coil wire that stranded us.
Next morning, Dad wakes me up with, "Hey, where's the truck?" Truthfully, I replied, "I had to have it towed to the service station last night after I couldn't get it to start when I got ready to come home." He never did find out about our little adventure. I realize that this doesn't qualify as a really, really bad thing, but I still haven't told my Dad. He might whup me good.
5. When I was in high school, my mom always expected me to have my room clean every day before I left for school... one morning during homeroom the whole school heard this announcement over the intercom from the office, "P_____, please come to the office, P____ , come to the office." Everyone in the class looked at me and asked, "What have you done now?" ...the only reply from me was "I don't know!" I knew I had done something, I just didn't know what! As all eyes glazed at me, I gathered up my books for my first period class and headed for the office. I felt like I was about an inch tall. I must have looked like I had just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar! I was all sweetness and innocence when I arrived at the office, Ms Montgomery told me to have a seat and wait for Mr. Hawley, he wanted to talk to me. About that time I looked up and through the front window I saw my mother's '57 Ford heading down the street in front of the school! I couldn't imagine what could have been coming next! Mr. Hawley summoned me from his office and I went in. He said "P___, your mother just came by to give me an excuse for you to leave school---go home and make your bed!" ...My mother had driven all the way to my school to advise the principal that I had to go home to clean up my room! ...I walked home, about 6 blocks, made up my bed, hung up my clothes, and walked back. From then on I always had my bed made before leaving for school.
6. In the Summer of 65, the DBS high school sorrority came in the middle of the night and kidnapped a bunch of girls around town to pledge. An annual traditional hazing event. We all ended up at the Fogg's house on Dillard & Forrest St. for a bunk in party. A girlfriend and I snuck out and walked the entire length of Forrest St down towards Stuart Springs and back... as the sun was coming up... talking about life. Smack down the middle of the street. Barefoot. In our nightgowns.
7. Okay, Butch. How about some petty theft. When my girlfriends and I were waiting one year for it to get late enough to deliver DBS bids, we happened to notice two great big vinyl Tony the Tiger signs at a service station on Washington Street. For some reason we thought that sign was really cool. Before you know it, one of the girls(I don't remember who) pulled a pocket knife out of her purse. We climbed up on top of the car and cut down one of the Tonys, rolled him up and made our getaway. The tiger ended up on the basement wall of our friend Annette's house where we got together for bunking parties often. We always feared that someone (an adult) would discover it down there and turn us in. By the way, Annette was completely innocent. She had nothing to do with the theft and wasn't even with us that night. I'm really ashamed at how childish and disrespectful we were of someone else's property. But, that tiger did look good on the wall. Hopefully, the statute of limitations has expired on our crime. B.J. Class of '68
8. Okay you guys--here goes another attempt to make you laugh! I'm not sure of the year, but I do know that I was in junior high so it could have been '57,'58 or '59. (Let's hope it was '57 cause I was so young and would hate to have been any older--It may have even been the fall of '56)! I was walking home from school--we always walked, no one had a car in those days--what would we done with it? Me, Gylinda Bounds and two or three thers were walking together down Washington Street towards my house on Fussell. We always passed the creek close to the Moncrief's house--(I'm laughing now)--this creek always had such a loud, rushing water noise coming from it and we stopped at the banister next to the sidewalk. Well..........I didn't always stop by the "little girls room" before walking home.......and didn't stop by that day........when we got to the creek, we stopped, and I had the most horrible feeling!!! You know the kind.......rushing water.......and I had on a dress!! (We weren't allowed to wear pants or jeans!) I think I began by crossing my legs while I was standing by the banister........then I grabbed my books in front as though they were slipping out of my grasp, catching them and pressing them just in the right place......I was all but holding myself by the time I straightened up!! I began to walk fast so I could get across the street and into the back door so no one would see me rush to the bathroom! Everyone was laughing at me....the sight of a girl not quite a teen, (if it was the fall of '56, I was only 12), running with both legs crossed, doubled up with books grasped just below the belt, shoes filling up...socks getting a good soaking....was too much for them to bear (is that the right "bear"?), anyway, 3 or 4 girls followed me, laughing so hard, they also had to stop at my house, but they had to wait for me.....we had only one bathroom!!