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Stories About Growing Up In Forrest City, Arkansas.
Why "Peach Fuzz"? Peach farms abound in our area. Peach fuzz means youth and is also a fluffy, thin outside that sheds to reveal something sweet, palatable. We seem to have a bond wherever life takes us. Some of us live close by, some live far away. Some never left. Some of us are just gone.
Our stories live on here...
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BOY SCOUTS (1953? 54? 55?)
This is Harris Hollingsworth's picture sent by Butch Ford. Participating in identifying pictures: Billy Lieblong, Ronald Davidson, Freddy Swan Marilane Sulcer Warr by way of Shannon Fogg Busby. (Apologies for any misspellings)
Summer of Love: 1967--In this Morning's SFChronicle, a series of analyses, interviews and memories about the Summer of Love continues in installment three. Carolyn Garcia, aka Mountain Girl, lived at 710 Ashbury( for those of you with Dead Head trivia bases, this was one move before Marin). She describes the coming of the crowds, "Like a farmer with an onion truck: once you start to unload it you can't stop it. People everywhere. Vegetables yearning to be free." from
March Mentions: Another month's worth of Obituary scanning has revealed the unfortunate names of Mordant Adler, NYTimes, on March 8 and Miracle Boom in the Commercial Appeal on March 9. I have to wonder what the latter thought of the Big Bang Theory. Stay tuned for April's winners. LPT
Feb Obit Winners: For such a short month February's obits offered up some superb holiday candidates for the Obit of the Month. Occasionally there are two names which must be declared joint winners. This month's winners seem curious as they were published in the month of St. Valentine's Day . On February 1, 2007, " The Forrest City Times Herald," ran the obituary of Mr. Love Draughon. On Feb. 15, the day after Valentine's , The "Commercial Appeal," reported on the passing of the late Ms. Hope Ender. I'd rather not think of these names is an example of romantic cause and effect ,but you never can tell.
Admin note: From Florida panhandle, Amen. I miss them.